Saturday, January 9, 2021

1Surveillance Approach RadarSAR
2stability augmentation systemSAS
3Saturated Air TemperatureSAT
4service bulletinSB
5special conditionSC
6Standard Computerized Airplane PerformanceSCAP
7senior cabin crew memberSCCM
8Simplified directional facilitySDF
9Safety and Emergency ProceduresSEP
10single-engine pistonSEP
11Single European Sky ATM ResearchSESAR
12Special Event Search and Master AnalysisSESMA
13Slat Flap Control ComputerSFCC
14Senior First OfficerSFO
15Special Flight Operating CertificateSFOC
16standard instrument departureSID
17Significant Meteorological InformationSIGMET
18single lever power controlSLPC
19service manualSM
20safety management document (ICAO)SMM
21Since major overhaulSMOH
22surface movement radarSMR
23software maintenance toolSMT
24serial numberSN
25start of climb at missed approachSOC
26simultaneous opposite direction parallel runway operationsSODPRO
27speed over ground (same as ground speed)SOG
28standard operating procedureSOP
29Statement of WorkSOW
31structural repair manualSRM
33standard terminal arrival routeSTAR
34supplemental type certificateSTC
35short take-off and landing[1]STOL
36speed trim systemSTS
37Special visual flight rulesSVFR